Wednesday, December 16, 2009

A non-artist in family full of (lowbrow) artists

I cannot draw to save my life. Seriously, the best I can muster is stick figures. So how is it that I come from a family FULL of artists? Two of my nephews are artists and Tattoo artists and my husband does amazing kar kulture style hot rod art as well as building some amazing miniature cars out of styrene. So how did I come to be surrounded by artists? GOOD QUESTION.

My nephew, Zac, started drawing when he was about 4, I believe. I remember walking into my sister’s house and seeing him sitting at the coffee table in the living room with pencil and paper and in front of him was a soda cup from Little Caesar’s Pizza Pizza. As I looked over his shoulder to see what he was drawing I was shocked and amazed to see that he had drawn the Little Caesar’s mascot exactly as it appeared

on the cup, except twice as large. Then and there I knew he was talented. And that is when I made the commitment to ALWAYS encourage his art. From buying him drawing and painting supplies to paying for him to take extracurricular art classes. Even taking him to Renaissance Faire at the age of 10 expanded his artistic nature.

My nephew Rob also started drawing at a young age. He started tattooing at an early age

and thus Zac began his apprenticeship with his big brother at an early age. Both are now amazing artists and amazing tattooists.

Now I realize that many people see tattooing  “Lowbrow” art. But really, so what? Art is art.
Ed “Big Daddy” Roth is considered lowbrow, Chris “Coop” Cooper is considered lowbrow as are Brandon Bond, Dave Mann, Frank Frazetta, Frank Miller, Joseph Barbera (of Hanna-Barbera), Tim Burton and virtually every comic book artist that has ever laid pen or pencil to paper. Lowbrow art is art for the people and lowbrow artists don’t have to wait until they are dead for people to appreciate their art.

I am incredibly proud of my nephews. They can take pencil and paper or tattoo machine and ink and create beauty or whimsy out of thin air using only their imaginations. This ability is something that should be encouraged wherever it is found and in whatever style it is found. Whether it is in the traditional arts such as drawing/painting, sculpting, photography, design or in the performing arts. In these days of budgets cuts when schools are cutting art and music classes I feel that it is the responsibility of everyone to make an effort to encourage children to draw, play, sculpt, design, sing, dance and act whenever and wherever they can. They are the future and a future without art is a very dismal future and one that makes me sad to even think about.

So how did I end up surrounded by artists? I have no idea, but I consider myself LUCKY.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Peace on earth.....

Good will to Man?

No thank you. I hate humans, Yes you read that right. I hate humans. Because really....all the problems that exist on this planet started with Humans. Bigotry, religion, racism, sexism, war, pollution, it all started with humans.

Think about've never heard of a lion bombing a building in the name of "Their" god. Nor have you heard of a dog judging someone because of the color of their skin. You've never heard of an animal killing for the sport of it. Nope they kill to survive, it's called the food chain. There is nothing good or bad about it. It simply is.

However, then humans evolved...and as the human race evolved so did racism, bigotry, religion and hate. Pollution and overcrowding started to take hold....then wonders of wonders humans invented a way to travel into we have SPACE junk! WTF!?!?

So yes...I say, and will defend it, that the blame for all of the problems that exist in the world today can be laid squarely at the feet of "Humanity".

The single biggest enemy that the environment has today is HUMANS.

So as far as Peace on Earth (it will never happen as long as the human race as we know it exists) and good will to Man I say BITE ME!