Wednesday, September 2, 2009

DWS (Driving While....)

There are times, more often than not, that I would simply love to smack the stupid human in front of me on the freeway, doing 50mph in the fast lane, square in face with a closed fist. What part of “fast lane” do these twits not understand???

Then there is the moron that can’t decide which lane he wants to be in so he swerves between all 3 or 4 lanes at approximately 30mph and then gets pissy when you honk at him. If you can’t drive the damned vehicle…then park it!
It is this kind of sheer stupidity that causes accidents. Especially during the rush hour.

I propose that the saying “there was an accident” should hereby be replaced by the term “someone did something stupid”. I sincerely believe that someone needs to create a bill to give to the lawmakers of this state that requires all applicants to take an IQ test BEFORE they can be rewarded with a driver’s license. Score below a certain number on said IQ test and boom, REJECTED! Sorry kids, you’re too stupid to drive. But here’s an annual bus pass, ENJOY!

That certainly would change traffic reporting as we know it. I can just hear it now…..

”…and now to Captain Tom in the traffic chopper. What’s it look like out there Captain?”

“Well Julie, someone did something stupid South Bound on the 101 at the 101/405 interchange and traffic is backed up clear past the White Oak Avenue exit. Most of it has been cleared and they are now letting some cars thru, but you’re still going to hit that back up. I suggest if at all possible avoid this section of the freeway for at least the next 2 hours. ..and it looks like the police have detained the idiot that seems to have caused the slow down. Yes…it does look like they are administering an on-site IQ test. Looks like another case of DWS (driving while stupid). Now back to Julie in the studio. ”

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