Saturday, July 31, 2010

Good morning....?

I have a friend, a wonderful man that would practically give you the shirt off his back if you were in need. When he posts to his facebook status %99.9 of the time it is something wonderfully happy and silly that just makes you smile. He is happy and upbeat and rarely posts anything that is a complaint.

I have other friends that will post complaining about how much the weather sucks, or how noisy it is at their hotel in Las Vegas, or how hot it is in Vegas, or about how much it sucks that they didn't get into the class they wanted at Roller Con. Or they complain that they didn't sleep well, or "how dare that cop give me a speeding ticket!". The difference between these friends and my wonderful gentleman friend is simple.

My complaining friends are perfectly healthy, out doing what they love to do with no hindrances or restrictions.

That wonderful gentleman that I know, at the age of 40 he has had a quintuple bypass, has had to medically retire from work to save his life and has been told by doctors that more than likely he will need a heart transplant. So really....who should be complaining here?

Friends you need to remember to thank the Universe every single day for everything that you have. I get so tired of logging on and seeing nothing but complaints from people that simply don't know how good they have it.

As for me, I just want to say thank you to my gentleman friend for always making me smile with his posts and thank you to the Universe for everything that I have.

1 comment:

  1. He is awesome - and always kind.

    Thanks for making me smile!
