Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Psychology of me at work and other places.

If you are not on top of your own business and you incur late fees because you “forgot” do not expect me to waive said late fees. Pony up with the cash and pay your bills. I don’t care why you “forgot” or why you didn’t come in to pay on the day that you said you would.

No you cannot intimidate me. If you try, you will only serve to achieve the exact opposite that you were hoping for.

I don’t get scared, I get pissed off. Then I get even.

Yes, revenge does make me feel better.

If I make a point of ignoring you, you should probably be worried.

The Opposite of Love is NOT Hate, it is Indifference.

If I tease, taunt and harass you, it’s because I care for you, NOT because I don’t like you. (Remember, “You only hurt the ones you love.”)

I can be your best friend or your worst enemy, the choice is yours. Be sure you choose wisely. If you choose enemy, it is not likely to change in this lifetime.

I cannot watch anyone bully another who can’t or won’t stand up for themselves. It is physically impossible for me to not get involved. As such, I have often found myself in arguments or fights defending total strangers.

I am honest, but not necessarily nice. If you ask me for my honest opinion or for an honest answer be very sure that is what you really want. Chances are you won’t like what I have to say and I will never apologize for that.

Bigotry in any form is NOT ok.

Animal cruelty, neglect or abuse is not merely wrong, it is IMMORAL

Loyalty is paramount to me.

Yes I do have children. I have 2 perfectly loveable Pit Bull “Children”.

Yes, I have been known to cry. No, you will probably never see it.

Yes, I do have tattoos. So? What I put on MY body is none of YOUR business(Unless you are my tattoo artist).

I will defend my family and friends with every fiber of my being until the end of time.